
Thanks for your reply.

>> Gigs - what I'm interested in is sharding and using SQLite instances as
>> shards in a larger ensemble.

> Well now you've told us what you want out of it, we can comment usefully.

Oh, goody!

> You can handle your shards yourself, and you can implement sharding by using 
> VIEWs and
> TRIGGERs, but SQLite does not have sharding implemented /per se/.

I know this - what I want to do is implement a sharding scheme myself
with a queueing system and run it as a service on the different machines.
These services will then communicate the result of any query back
to the master server -> web server -> client.

SQLite will be data storage only. I'll have to deal with the fact that writes
in SQLite are blocking. The system I'm prototyping on is Firebird embedded,
which is not client server either.

Ideally, I want to use a serverless database system, but I will also be
looking at Oracle XE and PosgreSQL.

>  If your design, from
> the ground up, is based around multi-hosted data and/or client-server 
> architecture, then
> SQLite is not the system for you.

I kind of want to do this for myself - check out my email address - it's a uni
and this is a learning project as much as anything else.

> You will be happier with MySQL or one of the other
> client/server systems.

I know I can do it this way - I could have a scheme where a truckload of
machines run Firebird server (or MS SQL Server or Oracle or yadda yadda,
but I'm trying to do it myself and take a minimalist approach. Perhaps the
"shards" could be minimalist virtual machines running on the same box - if
one tried to run 10 db servers at once on the same machine, the load would

What I have in mind is loosely based on Michael Stonebraker's VoltDB,
except with a commodity off-the-shelf datastore.

> However, there's no problem with the amount of data you specified, and SQLite
> works on all your platforms (more than any other SQL DBMS I'm aware of)
> without problems, since all the SQLite team supplies is the source code for 
> the
> function library.

I'm doing this for my Java as much as anything else, so the platform
must support that too, which is fine for Linux, *BSD and Windows.

> If you need more details, ask more specific questions.

Thanks again for your input.



> Simon.



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