On 05/06/2011 05:17 PM, Ole Reinhardt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have to correct myself a little... the hanging sqlite3_open_v2() does
> not happe while the prepare of the first query but during the first
> sqlite3_step() of the first query...

Each shared-cache has a mutex associated with it. When
sqlite3_step is called it grabs the mutexes for all shared-caches
it might use. The mutexes are not released until the call
to sqlite3_step() returns.

So if you have one query that spends a lot of time in sqlite3_step()
you are going to block your other threads. Unfortunately, that is
the nature of shared-cache mode.


> So in pseudo code the database access looks like this:
> first thread:
> sqlite3_open_v2("log.sqlite", SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY |
> sqlite3_exec(log_database_local, "PRAGMA read_uncommitted=True;", NULL,
> 0,&err)
> sqlite3_prepare_v2(log_database_local, "select distinct xyz from log
> where ...)
> while(sqlite3_step(sql_stmt) == SQLITE_ROW)...
> While every step takes _very_ long time as the log table has quite a lot
> entries (>  5.000.000)
> second thread:
> sqlite3_open_v2("log.sqlite", SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY |
> --->  This sqlite3_open_v2 does not return until the prepare
> sqlite3_step() statement of the first thread has completed...
> again: Any help or short hint would be very appreciated!
> Thanks in advance,
> Ole Reinhardt

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