I have a bunch of uris stored in a table

        CREATE TABLE uris (
                uri_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 
                uri TEXT

        uri_id      uri                     
        ----------  --------------
        1           http://foo.com
        2           http://bar.com
        3           http://baz.com
        4           http://qux.com

A program periodically downloads the content of the above web sites. Another 
table stores the download history, that is, when the content was last 

        CREATE TABLE history (
                history_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 
                uri_id INTEGER, 
                downloaded_on DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

        history_id  uri_id      downloaded_on      
        ----------  ----------  -------------------
        1           4           2011-05-04 02:25:09
        2           3           2011-05-03 02:34:08
        3           1           2011-05-01 02:50:43
        4           2           2011-05-02 02:50:45
        6           4           2011-05-14 02:50:48

The content itself is stored in an FTS4 table linked by history_id.

        CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_uri (
                history_id, content

I am looking for an efficient way to select the uris, and the latest 
'downloaded_on' time stamp for each uri, but am drawing a blank. The list 
should look like so

        uri_id      uri             downloaded_on
        ----------  --------------      ---------------
        1           http://foo.com      2011-05-01 02:50:43
        2           http://bar.com      2011-05-02 02:50:45
        3           http://baz.com      2011-05-03 02:34:08
        4           http://qux.com      2011-05-14 02:50:48


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