On 2 Jun 2011, at 6:01pm, Jan Hudec wrote:

> - Inside one transaction, running select may or may not see data inserted or
>   updated in parallel.

Sorry to go on about this but you underestimate the problem.

Suppose you're part-way through _step()ing through the results of a SELECT and 
an UPDATE modifies a field in your ORDER BY clause of one row.  It could move 
the row you're currently on, moving it back to the beginning of the sort order. 
 Or it could move it to the end of the sort order.  Or it could move a row you 
haven't got to yet, to a position you've already gone past.  When the next 
_step() moves to the 'next' record it might end up somewhere completely 
different to where you expected.

In all these cases, without knowing undocumented internal details about how 
that version of SQLite works, you can't predict what will happen.  Your SELECT 
might skip one or more rows: not just a row you modified but other untouched 
rows.  Or it might read some rows twice: not just a row you modified but other 
untouched rows.  Or it might be completely immune to the problem having fetched 
and stored row indexes somewhere.  So don't do that.

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