Thanks for your help.

The assembler code and the debugging session is on the forum at

I don't get any data, but just with one table. If I change the table name 
into the same query, I get a result.
I am looking if I can change SqLiteExpert to use external libray to get the 

-----Message d'origine----- 
From: Bogdan Ureche
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 4:16 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] A simple SELECT

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Moi (Ph RIO Biz) <> wrote:

> You are right, I corrected it but this is not the problem.
> The problem is coming from only ONE table : LibLogInf.
> I exported it, destroyed it, re-created it and re-entered the datas the
> problem always exists !

You mean you don't get any records when running your query?

> If I made the same query with just changing the table name there is no
> problem !
> Generaly, I use SqlExpert to create the query, like this I am sure of the
> syntax, then I copy the query to my assembler program.
> I removed the index too.
> Sincerally, I don't understand.
> I have the last SqLite version too.
> I made a vacuum, a repair, I re-indexed all the table, no errors found.
> Is this table too small ?
By the way, I hope you realize that anyone reading the messages on the forum
is totally confused because they are not aware of the assembler code you
sent me. If you expect helpful replies from other forum members then you
should post the full description of the problem there including the
assembler code and the expected result. Otherwise we can just continue the
discussion by email.

So if I understand correctly, you don't get any records when running your
assembler code, but you do get one record when running the query in SQLite
Expert. If this is correct, can you please send me the assembler code with
your new corrections?

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