-----Original Message----- 
From: Max Vlasov
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 5:09 AM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Query with UNION on large table

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 9:25 PM, Rense Corten <rcor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> CREATE TABLE table2 AS SELECT n1,n2 FROM (SELECT n1, n2 FROM table1
> UNION SELECT n2 AS n1, n1 AS n2 FROM table1) WHERE(n1<n2) GROUP BY
> n1,n2;
> This has the desired result on a small example, but when I try this on
> my actual table which has about 800 million rows, the query never
> seems to complete. It has been running for a couple of days now, and
> it doesn't seem sqlite is still doing anything (cpu usage dropped to
> almost zero)...

I noticed that fewer reads/writes will be with the following variant

SELECT * FROM (SELECT n1, n2 FROM table1 Where n1 < n2)
SELECT * FROM (SELECT n2, n1 FROM table1 Where n2 < n1)

since this one decreases the sizes of the tables that should be ordered.

Max Vlasov

Both the original and Max's streamlined query produce the wrong results for 
what is intended. Revising Max's produces the most efficient one submitted 
so far:

SELECT n1, n2 FROM table1 Where n1 < n2
SELECT n2, n1 FROM table1 Where n2 < n1;

That's essentially the same as what I had earlier proposed but with the 
added condition on the first SELECT that reduces the result set in the 
temporary B-Tree (I'm getting deeper than I'm comfortable with now but 
that's what I surmise from QUERY PLAN...).

My observations are on two datasets of 100,000 records - one that has but 
one mirrored pairings in {0-65535}, the other with almost 45,000 mirrored 
pairings (45 distinct) in {0-9}. Execution is faster on the second set by a 
factor of almost 3.


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