I know that ORDER BY sorts result but I want to sort a table BEFORE it gets
queried and am not sure of the syntax.
Here's my test program but...I'm not sure how to PRE-SORT tables t_x and t_y
(by column pos)  BEFORE I do the SELECT BETWEEN on THEM
i.e. I purposefully inserted t_d row 1,1,1 to see if it would come out first
ie as 1. It doesn't any help much appreciated.
Apologies if my question isn't clear.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "sqlite3.h"
#include<stdlib.h> //malloc
#include<string.h> //strlen
#include<assert.h> //assert

/*i've made these global so...both Create_database AND Query_database can
SEE them ie it shows what vars need to be common*/
int res, ind = 0;
char** sql;
sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
sqlite3* db=NULL;
char* err=0;

static int Open_db(char* flnm){
    if (!strlen(flnm)){ res=sqlite3_open(":memory:",&db); }
    else{ res=sqlite3_open(flnm,&db); }
    if (!db){ printf("Open_db() failed\n"); }
    return res;

void Close_db(){
    res = sqlite3_close(db);

int Exec(char * s){
    res = sqlite3_exec(db,s,0,0,0);
    if ( res ){
        printf( "Exec error re %s %s\n", s, sqlite3_errmsg(db)  );
    assert(res==0); //so you can concentrate on 1st error
    return res;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ //default project main
    Exec(    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t_x("
            "pos integer UNIQUE NOT NULL,"
            "txt text NOT NULL"
    Exec( "INSERT INTO t_x VALUES(1,'x1')" );
    Exec( "INSERT INTO t_x VALUES(2,'x2')" );
    Exec(    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t_y("
            "pos integer UNIQUE NOT NULL,"
            "txt text NOT NULL"
    Exec( "INSERT INTO t_y VALUES(1,'y1')" );
    Exec( "INSERT INTO t_y VALUES(2,'y2')" );
    Exec(    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t_d("
                "xpos integer NOT NULL,"
                "ypos integer NOT NULL,"
                "d float "
    /*    table layout
        see onenote thoughts diary me at 30/06/2011 08:42
    y        x->
    |    1,2
    V    3,4                          x    y data
                                  V    V V      */

    Exec( "INSERT INTO t_d VALUES(1,2,3)" );
    Exec( "INSERT INTO t_d VALUES(2,1,2)" );
    Exec( "INSERT INTO t_d VALUES(2,2,4)" );
    Exec( "INSERT INTO t_d VALUES(1,1,1)" );

    //========= this block from url albeit modified by me
    const char* sqlSelect =    "SELECT d FROM t_d "
                            "where xpos in "
                            "(SELECT pos FROM t_x WHERE txt BETWEEN 'x1' AND
'x2') ";
                            "AND ypos in "
                            "(SELECT pos FROM t_y WHERE txt BETWEEN 'y1' AND

    char** results = NULL;
    int rows, columns;
    res = sqlite3_get_table(db, sqlSelect, &results, &rows, &columns, &err);
    if (res){
        //printf( "error in sqlite3_get_table %s\n", s, sqlite3_errmsg(db)
        // Display Table
        for (int rowCtr = 0; rowCtr <= rows; ++rowCtr){
            for (int colCtr = 0; colCtr < columns; ++colCtr){
            int cellPosition = (rowCtr * columns) + colCtr;
            printf( "%s\t", results[cellPosition] );
        printf( "\n");



    return 0;
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