
I am developing an application which analyses audio data, and I have recently 
been looking into Sqlite as a possible file format. The result of an analysis 
in my application is a hierarchical data set, where each level in the hierarchy 
represents a summary of the level below, taking the max of each pair in the 
sub-level, in the following way:

                                 251  214

              251  54                             201  214

   251  91                    17   54                   31  201                 
      214  66

251 18 5 91   11 17 54 16    9 31 201 148    173 214 43 66

Such a structure essentially represents the same data set at different levels 
of resolution ('zoom levels', if you like). My first experiments involved a 
btree-like structure (actually something closer to an enfilade* or counted 
btree**), where the data stored in each node is simply a summary of its child 
nodes. Edits to any node at the leaf level propagate up the tree, whilst large 
edits simply entail unlinking pointers to subtrees, thus making edits on any 
scale generally log-like in nature. This works fine as an in-memory structure, 
but since my data sets might potentially grow fairly large (a few hundred MB at 
least) I need a disk-based solution. I naively assumed that I might be able to 
utilize Sqlite's btree layer in order to implement this more effectively; this 
doesn't seem possible, however, given that the btree layer isn't directly 
exposed, and in any case it doesn't map onto the user interface in any way that 
seems helpful for this task.

I am aware of some of the ways in which hierarchical or tree-like structures 
can be represented in a database (adjacency lists, nested sets, materialized 
paths, etc.), but none of these seems to offer a good solution. What I'm 
experimenting with at present is the idea of entering each node of the 
hierarchy into the database as a blob (of say, 1024 bytes), while maintaining a 
separate in-memory tree which then maps on to this flat database of nodes (each 
node in the tree maintains a pointer to a node in the database).

I would be very interested in  
on this problem - or even better a solution!

Many thanks in advance,

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfilade_(Xanadu)
** http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/algorithms/cbtree.html
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