On 16 Jul 2011, at 5:18pm, san long wrote:

> I want to make things clear. there are some rules in my system, such
> as : process whose name is  proc_host can see all the records, and
> process whose name is proc_client1 can see all the records except
> rowid 1.
> It looks like temporary view and temporary table is good solutions,
> which one is better and which one could be more efficient?

None of the above.  You seem to have ignored solutions that depend just on 
normal programming and how SQL works.

Put some logic in your code so that the code running in proc_client1 ignores 
row 1.

Or make two tables: one with the records that everyone can see, and the other 
with records that client1 can't see.

Or create a column in your table called 'shouldClient1IgnoreThis' and fill it.

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