you'r right, i made a mistake doing copy and paste writing original mail,
the real select query contains more fields and i can ensure that 1 based
indexes are correct and respected into the real code,  real update query is
hardcoded, no params (0 based): 2 days checking, im sure..

at least, do u know a way to load the copied writable database running into
the XCode simulator, so i can understand if my problem is writing or
retriving data (in this way 50% my troubles are solved)?

Using Mac and windows against the same database to simulate the same query
everithing works perfectly.. im really getting crazy.
i know i can close my eyes and invert that commands, but i care my software
and i really like to know what im doing wrong..

thx for reply, marco

2011/7/17 John Deal <>

> Hello,
> I am new and have received much information from this list so I hope I am
> not wasting bandwidth. I don't know if it is my misunderstanding or typos
> but should your sqlite3_column_int() use indexes 0,1 and 2 instead of 1, 12
> and 13?  If this is the case, according to the docs on sqlite3_column_int()
> "...if the column index is out of range, the result is undefined."
> I hope I did not misunderstand the issue.
> --- On Sun, 7/17/11, marco bianchini <> wrote:
> > From: marco bianchini <>
> > Subject: [sqlite] year, month & day problem
> > To:
> > Date: Sunday, July 17, 2011, 6:05 AM
> > Hi all,
> > call me stupid but after some days of try and a lot of
> > Googleing, im still
> > wondering how to solve my problem:
> > i need to execute a query that updates 3 integer fields
> > (AA, MM, GG) of a
> > table, containing respectively today year, today month and
> > today day:
> >
> > update settings set AA=strftime('%Y', 'now'),
> > MM=strftime('%m', 'now'),
> > GG=strftime('%d', 'now')
> >
> > looks working well, but later, when i read that values:
> > <xcode>
> >     const char *sql="select AA,MM,GG from
> > settings";
> >     sqlite3_stmt *statmentS;
> >     if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql
> > ,-1,&statmentS, NULL)==SQLITE_OK)
> > {
> >         if
> > (sqlite3_step(statmentS)==SQLITE_ROW) {
> >             UserSettings *k =
> > [UserSettings sharedUserSettings];
> >
> > k.AA=sqlite3_column_int(statmentS, 1);
> >
> > k.MM=sqlite3_column_int(statmentS, 12);
> >
> > k.GG=sqlite3_column_int(statmentS, 13);
> > ...
> > </xcode>
> >
> > i obtain correct values, but in inverse order:
> >
> > AA (year) contains the day number
> > MM (month) is correct
> > GG (day) contains the year
> >
> > using SQLIte Manager addons for Firefox, this query:
> >  select  strftime('%Y', 'now'), strftime("%m", "now"),
> > strftime("%d", "now")
> > from settings
> > returns correct values, running or loading value into XCode
> > simulator looks
> > not working and i dont know why. :'(
> >
> >
> > does anyone can suggest me what to fix or check?
> > thx in advance, marco
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> >
> >
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