i most recently began making a text based gaming engine and am having trouble. 
i downloaded the SQLITE3 package and did: implib sqlite3.lib sqlite3.dll then 
copied sqlite3.lib to my project directory. in my programs main healer i did : 
#include "sqlite3ext.h" and linked the LIB file. then ran a test routine. 
voidTestBed(void){     sqlite3 *database;     int rc;      rc = 
sqlite3_open("TEST.DB",&database);     printf("\nRC=%d\r\r",rc);} when i 
compile i get the following: Error E4251 SQLMUD.C 847: Undefined symbol 
'sqlite3_api' in function TestBed. i even tried it this way: sqlite3_open_v2 
then to just make sure the library wasnt compiling wrong i linked the sqlite3.c 
directly into the program and got the same result. Thanks for any help anyone 
can provide. i'm using Borland C++ 5.5.1                                        
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