I've mainly used JSON because it is a well defined and widely used 
standard. JSON also contains associative arrays (which currently are not 
used in madIS).

 From what little i've read about Tcl lists, i believe that JSON lists 
are better for the eye. Compare this:

["this is the first", "second", "and third sentence"]

to this:

"this is the first" second "and third sentence"

In the top example the commas help the eye to distinguish between the 
values. Nevertheless you could devise an alternative example with a lot 
of commas inside the strings, which would make JSON lists more difficult 
to read.

So in the end i think it is a matter of taste which of the two is more 
preferable, and the kind of data that one has to deal with.


On 26/07/11 10:08, Alexey Pechnikov wrote:
> Why JPack? May be Tcl lists will be more useful? The tcl dictionary
(also known as associative array) can be stored as list too.

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