At 19:58 04/08/2011, Stephan Beal wrote:
>Hi, all!
>"Temporary triggers can be added to the database to record all changes into
>a (temporary) undo/redo log table. These changes can then be played back
>when the user presses the Undo and Redo buttons. Using this technique, an
>unlimited depth undo/redo implementation can be written in surprisingly
>little code."
>i'm wondering if anyone can point me to an example of implementing such a

I have not do it but you can mimic/implement it using 2 colums in 
each table and inserting there the transaction number (insert, 
update, delete only) and delete status. Updates duplicates rows with 
different transaction number (bigger one), Delete duplicate row and 
marks it as delete. To restore a previous point

select * from table where transaction_id<previous_point_transaction_id

  The current rows are

  select distinct  * from table where (your where clause) order by 
transaction_id desc limit 1

It's like a mvcc. 

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