2011/8/10 Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org>:
> I've never tried using this before for some reason but in a recent OS X 
> version of the command-line shell I tried using
> .mode html
> today.  The content is fine, but it doesn't do <TABLE> or </TABLE>.
> Intentional ?  Bug ?  Oversight ?  Trying hard to believe I'm not the first 
> person who has tried this.
> If someone feels like fixing this, then it should also include <TBODY> and 
> </TBODY> as well, but most browsers will infer these.
> If someone claims 'no fix because we have users who rely on this' is there 
> any chance of another mode, perhaps 'htmlfull' which does this ?
> Simon.

Much more I dislike that the tags are uppercase on output. I prefer
lowercase, so this functionality can not be used practically.
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