Use of a heredoc to simulate a session...or staging it all into a file for
use via .read are good too.
On Aug 16, 2011 6:55 AM, "Ryan Henrie" <> wrote:
> I finally figured out how to load multiple "dot commands" or settings
> from the command line tool. (Some users only have the default binary to
> rely on, ya know.) Since I have never found this information on the web
> before, I thought I would post it here to share the information.
> To load options before doing the query, they have to be separated from
> the query by a hard return, in the quoted string itself.
> So:
> > sqlite3 -header -column tmp.db ".width 5 30; select * from data;"
> doesn't really change the column widths.
> But, doing this does:
> > echo ".width 5 30\n select * from data;" | sqlite3 -header -column
> To load multiple options, you have to put them on different lines, with
> the query on the last line:
> > echo ".width 5 30\n.timeout 15000\n select * from data;" | sqlite3
> -header -column tmp.db
> Some systems I have tried this on /required /only a single hard return
> after the last option, with a semicolon between the multiple settings.
> Others required the hard returns without any semicolons. Experiment on
> your own platform/binary version.
> I don't know which versions/flavors this works on, but it works for me
> finally.
> Note: Your version of echo has to support turning '\n' into a hard
> return. Not all do. If not, you can do something like a perl -e to do
> it as well.
> All the examples on websites show applying the dot commands from a
> sqlite> prompt. Doing the hard returns within the string makes it look
> like a user typing the commands in, with the hard returns.
> If anyone could fix the parser in the sqlite3 source code, I'm sure many
> novices would greatly appreciate it. The above trick has eluded me for
> several months of working with sqlite3 from the command line, and is
> still cumbersome, although usable now.
> One other trick is to put the options in a .sqliterc file in your home
> directory, one dot command per line. This works, but is not really
> feasible in an environment where it will run on multiple hosts and you
> don't control other accounts that will run it. Also, you can't pick and
> choose which ones are loaded. They are global settings at that point.
> I hope this helps someone out there looking for this, as well as
> possibly getting the parser fixed to make it easier to use in the future.
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