Recent versions of PHP and the SQLite3 API.  No general problems with the 

The SQLite3 object API for PHP includes a function SQLite3::escapeString .  The 
documentation for it doesn't explain what it's of or when to use it. 

My initial guess was that it should be used for entire SQLite commands, but 
that was wrong because it doubles quotes.  My second guess was that it is for 
strings which would be bound as string values but there's a particular method 
used to do that so it seems strange to split the 'escapeString' functionality 
out to a different method.

I know it's not part of the SQLite3 C interface but something that was added by 
the PHP team.  Nevertheless I'm hoping someone on this list understands it and 
can explain it to me, ideally with a small piece of example code which needs it 
to work properly.  Any help much appreciated.

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