On 08/20/11 05:42 PM, Paul Sanderson wrote:
> Hi all
> I am trying to create a query that works to craete a subset of a table
> based on duplicate items
> Examples work best so consider the contrived table with the following rows
> 10 socata
> 7 socata
> 13 cessna
> 2 piper
> 7 piper
> 55 piper
> 1 diamond
> I want to see the subset that is
> 10 socata
> 7 socata
> 2 piper
> 7 piper
> 55 piper
> i.e. all rows that have a matching value in any other row in the second column
> any ideas?
> _______________________________________________
Might be more efficient queries if there is a LOT of records but this 
seems to do the trick.
  create table tbl (id,text);
  insert into tbl values (10, 'socata');
  insert into tbl values (7, 'socata');
  insert into tbl values (13, 'cessna');
  insert into tbl values (2, 'piper');
  insert into tbl values (7, 'piper');
  insert into tbl values (55,'piper');
  insert into tbl values (1, 'diamond');
  select * from tbl where text in (select text from tbl group by text 
having count(*) > 1);

Cheers Roger
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