On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Max Vlasov <max.vla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Also theoretically it is possible to use virtual tables for this. So
> when your virtual query implementation accepts list in some way ('23,
> 14, 1, 7, 9') and returns the table when querying

I tried to implement something like this and it seems it works (very
easy for anyone familiar with virtual tables). The table itself
doesn't need any init data (and doesn't even contain) and absorbs data
from the query itself

So finally the db/program that wants to use it creates it with something like
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE cmlist Using vtcommalist
Table format
  CREATE TABLE [xxx] ([CommaList] TEXT, [Value] TEXT)
And example query is
  SELECT value FROM cmlist WHERE commalist='45,56,78,125'

So we finally got

Internally my xFilter just stores the commalist from the query and
uses it for First/Next

The only problem with this approach is that rowid makes sense only for
queries mentioned.
  SELECT rowid FROM cmlist
can't return valid results

I wonder can it be a problem for complex queries when sqlite decides
itself what to query and maybe relies on the correctness of rowid.

Max Vlasov
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