old.rowid was an error of mine during typing; my apologies. 

Even though I have kind of managed to comprehend the logic behind of it, and 
made it partially work, I have decided to stick with a view which does what I 
want it to do. The only problem I have now is how can to update an individual 
value from a row of my choice.

From: Igor Tandetnik <itandet...@mvps.org>
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Clarification about Triggers

stefanos sofroniou <stefanossofroniou...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Now what I want to do is to take two tables, (let's call them temp_01 and 
> temp_02) that would both have columns id and val, and I
> want with a trigger to add temp_01.val with temp_02.val and put their result 
> in a new table named total. 

With a trigger firing on which event? A value from which row in temp_01? Add to 
a value from which row of temp_02? Put the result into which row of total?

You talk about these tables as if they were scalars. But they potentially 
contain many rows with many values.

> I have tried something like this:
> create trigger [after_insert_temp_01]
> after insert on temp_01
> begin
> update total
> set val = temp_01.val + temp_02.val
> where rowid = old.rowid;
> end;

old.rowid is not defined in an "after insert" trigger. You are inserting a new 
row, there's no old row involved.
Igor Tandetnik

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