On 31 Aug 2011, at 2:53am, Pete Helgren wrote:

> Thanks.  I'll add a little more info....
> This script is used to set up the initial DB in a programmable device that 
> will then record data to the database and the database should never be 
> replaced.  So I just figured there would be a simple way to issue the sqlite 
> commands in script.

The mechanism in SQLite which creates a database is to open one that doesn't 
exist.  There's no command or C function which just makes a database without 
opening it.  You could, of course, hack that functionality out of the source 
code but I think that's a poor solution.

> Even found an example using a createdb command, although I could never see 
> where that was an SQLite command....
> So, you suggest I script it like so:
> if [ -f /data/newdatabase.db];
> then
> echo "Nothing to do, database exists"
> else
> cp newdatabase.db /data/newdatabase.db
> fi
> I am not much of a Linux guy so the scripting might be wrong.....

That would do fine.  But as a single-command alternative you could use 'cp -n':

cp -n newdatabase.db /data/newdatabase.db

the '-n' means 'don't replace an existing file'.  I tested it on my Unix box.  
I believe it's implemented in Linux, but you should definitely test it because 
I don't have Linux here.

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