Hi All,

I apologize first if this question has its roots in my partial understanding of unicode and the various UTF-encodings. We're using Windows CE and SQLite3 - so far, we have only used ASCII data. Now, we're going to store data in other languages and feel the need to go towards unicode in SQLite3.

I understand that the database could be either UTF-8 or UTF-16 - but that would apply to the full DB not to a single column, right? If that is the case, would it not make the database larger if we had a lot of content that was originally ASCII?

On the other hand, the other language that we are storing seems to require 3 bytes in UTF-8. Given that, it would appear that using UTF-8 would be a better idea since it will store more "efficiently".

In addition, there are a few other questions:
- FTS would work fine on both UTF-8 and UTF-16 databases, right?
- Can we attach two databases that have different encodings?
- When using Wide Strings in Windows CE, is one encoding more preferable over the other to minimize conversions?

I already have a database that has a couple of tables that are in UTF-8 - is there an easy way for me to build a database from this that is UTF-16?

I'm sorry for the many questions - thanks for the help.

Best Regards,
1/9/2011 | 10:24 PM.
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