On 2 Sep 2011, at 6:34pm, Terry Cumaranatunge wrote:

> This does suggest that we should re-evaluate our design and not open as many 
> databases from a single process. The original motivation was to limit the 
> size the database for performance reasons, which resulted in a large number 
> of database files. I think we are going to try creating multiple tables per 
> database and evaluate its performance.
> Are there any general guidelines on a tested limit on the number of tables in 
> a database or a general rule of thumb on the maximum recommended size for a 
> database file?

I'm concerned that you might be involved in premature optimization.  The 
performance of SQLite does not greatly degrade with larger tables or larger 
databases.  In fact you might be slowing your system down more by trying to 
arrange multiple databases.  Have you tried just using SQLite in the naive way 
-- with one big table in one database -- and seeing whether that provides a 
solution too slow for you ?

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