Good morning, Is it possible to multithread the conversion of MySQLite 
database table to the SQLite database? Dr. Richard Hipp said in a post recently 
that at that time it was not to multithread SQLite database connections to the 
same database. Dr. Hipp suggested that we use MYSQL to do that.
          I was wondering if it was possible to multi thread the initial data 
load of a process using MySQL and temporary tables using the MySQL C/C++ API  . 
Then, in order to preserve the hundreds of SQLite code in our proximity matcher 
,could we write a  C++ class which allow us to multithread the conversion of 
the MySQL database B Trees to SQLite database B trees. I realize it may be 
impossible to do because SQLite does not allow the multithreading of SQLite 
database connections to the same database.
          However, I realize SQlite has a lot of clever programmers who really 
understand the Sqlite internals and MYSQL internals and may be able to come up 
with some kind of workaround to speed up C/C++ MYSQL conversion to SQlite. 
Thank you.                                       
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