I am migrating data from a database which has a table that describes items by 
"kinds". Instances of those "kinds" are stored in one column of this table, 
listing each instance's id, with all ids separated by a slash "/".

Of course, this is a very poor design. The target system has a proper table for 
instances, with a one-to-many relationship between kinds and instances.

My question is: is there a pure SQL way to split the instances string, and 
generate the instance lines from the instance list string? contrived example:

Table Kind:

id      name    instances
1       Bird            'eagle/seagull/hen'
2       Mammal  'dog/cat/cow/rabbit'
3       Fish            'tuna/shark/cod'

Possible outcome:

Table Instances:

id      name    kind_id
1       eagle   1
2       seagull 1
3       hen             1
4       dog             2
5       cat             2
6       cow             2
7       rabbit  2
8       tuna    3
9       shark   3
10      cod             3

(the instance id is not especially important. it could as well be the 
concatenation of the kind id/name and the instance name)

Of course, I could write a program to do that, but if I could do it in a few 
SQL statements, it would happen earlier…



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