On 22 Sep 2011, at 1:26pm, neelakanta reddy wrote:

> Here the obj_id which is primary is having duplicate primary value entries
> INSERT INTO "objects"
> VALUES(1309,155,'entryId=62,tableId=CPGMembersTable,CSId=1',0);
> INSERT INTO "objects"
> VALUES(1309,155,'entryId=99,tableId=CPGMembersTable,CSId=1',0);
> can some one please tell me why the primary key is coming twice

How do you know that the second INSERT statement is working ?  Please show the 
result of

SELECT * FROM objects WHERE obj_id = 1309

Also, I tested it myself:

SQLite version 3.7.5
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> CREATE TABLE objects (obj_id integer primary key, class_id integer, dn 
   ...> last_ccb integer);
sqlite> INSERT INTO "objects"
   ...> VALUES(1309,155,'entryId=62,tableId=CPGMembersTable,CSId=1',0);
sqlite> INSERT INTO "objects"
   ...> VALUES(1309,155,'entryId=99,tableId=CPGMembersTable,CSId=1',0);
Error: PRIMARY KEY must be unique

Cannot reproduce using version 3.7.5.  Please try using just those three 
statements so we can tell what kind of bug you have.

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