As far as I am concerned, this is a SERIOUS bug in sqlite.  When you
have counted strings, which is all sqlite has (except for some API
functions), NULs have no special meaning.  This is fairly easily seen
in the command line interface, where the code ignores the length and
uses strlen forms.

Testing various functions:

hex(), relational operators, and group by get it right.  max() and
min() seem to get it right (but I may not have tested enough).

length(), quote(), upper(), lower(), like(), and glob() get it wrong.
group_concat() gets it wrong returning the result, but looks like it
may have built the right thing internally.

replace(), trim(), ltrim(), rtrim() get it right in the first
parameter, but not in the second parameter.  replace() gets it right
in the third parameter.

I'm not sure what else would be expected to allow NULs, so I didn't
try numeric and date/time functions.

Testing can be a bit of a pain.  Things like:

insert into t values (cast(x'6F6E65202020' as text));           
insert into t values (cast(x'6F6E6520202030' as text));         
insert into t values (cast(x'6F6E6520202000' as text));         
insert into t values (cast(x'6F6E6520202078' as text));         
insert into t values (cast(x'6F6E650074776F20' as text));       
insert into t values (cast(x'20006F6E6520' as text));           
insert into t values (cast(x'00206F6E6520' as text));           
.mode column
.width 10 20 20 20
.header on
select a, hex(a), hex(trim(a)), hex(trim(a,'one'||x'2000')) from t;


a           hex(a)                hex(trim(a))          hex(trim(a,'one'||x'
----------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------
one         6F6E65202020          6F6E65                                    
one   0     6F6E6520202030        6F6E6520202030        30                  
one         6F6E6520202000        6F6E6520202000        00                  
one   x     6F6E6520202078        6F6E6520202078        78                  
one         6F6E650074776F20      6F6E650074776F        007477              
            20006F6E6520          006F6E65              00                  
            00206F6E6520          00206F6E65            00                  

What I expect (including column screw-ups because NUL is zero width in
xterm) is:

a           hex(a)                hex(trim(a))          hex(trim(a,'one'||x'
----------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------
one         6F6E65202020          6F6E65                                    
one   0     6F6E6520202030        6F6E6520202030        30                  
one        6F6E6520202000        6F6E6520202000                          
one   x     6F6E6520202078        6F6E6520202078        78                  
onetwo     6F6E650074776F20      6F6E650074776F        7477              
 two       20006F6E6520          006F6E65                                
 two       00206F6E6520          00206F6E65                              

Without the hex() calls, you can't even tell what worked and what didn't.

--David Garfield

Mira Suk writes:
> On 9/21/2011 21:22 Igor Tandetnik wrote:
> > You can include the NUL terminator, if you want it to actually be stored 
> > in the database.
> > Igor Tandetnik
> Actually you can't - if you do all SQL string functions will not work.
> to be clear -
> SELECT TRIM(what ever text column you stored with including null on end of 
> string)
> will not trim that string.
> found out the hard way.
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