Thanks for the tips Roger.  I'll use them to debug this


On Oct 4, 2011, at 11:23 PM, Roger Binns <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 10/04/2011 10:52 PM, James Brison wrote:
>> Can you open a database twice without closing it?
> That has absolutely nothing whatsoever with what you are seeing.
>> What is odd, is that I am using the prepare_v2 API.  The documentation says 
>> it should not happen but I am getting a return code 17.  
> The traditional reason you get this error is because of how prepared
> statements are used internally.  Effectively they say things like get the
> value from column 7 of table 14.  If you change the schema then those *may*
> have moved around so prepare has to be run again.
> prepare_v2 causes sqlite3_step to have a do-while loop that reprepares the
> statement if SQLITE_SCHEMA is returned.  It tries this 5 times.  In general
> this will catch the database schema changing and automatically handle it.
> There is unfortunately a fly in the ointment and my biggest irritation with
> SQLite.  If the reprepare fails for (almost) any reason then SQLITE_SCHEMA
> is returned instead of the actual failure code.  For example if you call
> prepare with a non-existent collation then SQLITE_ERROR is returned, but if
> you removed the collation between the calls of prepare_v2 and step then you
> get SQLITE_SCHEMA instead.
> The team decided this behaviour was a good thing to do:
> You can find the actual error code by calling prepare again yourself when
> getting SQLITE_SCHEMA.  You can call sqlite3_sql() to get the original
> statement text.  You should also look at the error string being returned in
> addition to the code.
> In my own code I gave up on prepare_v2 and use the older interface handling
> SLITE_SCHEMA myself because of the API inconsistencies.  It also saved a
> redundant copy of the statement text since my cache has that as a key
> anyway.  (prepare_v2 causes a copy of the statement text to be saved to
> reprepares can be done in step.)
> Roger
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