Igor Tandetnik, 
                  The fieldname groups in our BlobLastNameTable consist of 
multiple rows where each pair of columns [FieldName, BLOB[Vertices]] is unique. 
Therefore, every fieldname group does not just have a single row but instead 
1000's or 10000's rows. So that is why we use a group by/order by and subselect 
clause to locate the first/minimum row id  row in each fieldname group. 
               Once we know  the first/minimum row id  of each unique fieldname 
group, we would lke to write a sqlite UPDATE Statement to accumulate all the 
BLOB vertices of all the rows with that unique fieldname into the first(i.e 
MIN(ROWID))  row's BLOB(Vertices)column  for  each unique fieldname group. Then 
we would like to  discard all the rows  in each fieldname group of rows that 
have an rowid different from the first row(i.e MIN(rowid)).
              Because we using a C++ WINDOWS/LINUX/Solaris UNIX multithreaded 
program where each concurrent worker thread has its own sqlite database and 
sqlite table and sqlite index , we would like each concurrence worker thread to 
run as fast as possible on a multicore CPU. We have profiled the worker threads 
and we have found that the sqlite statements are the bottleneck. So, that is 
why we would like our queries to run as fast as possible by avoiding full index 
scans as Florian Weimer pointed out in the post about Postgres' DISTINCT ON 
feature which we are trying to simulate on Sqlite. 
         I hope I have provided you more information. I did try your 
suggestion:   select FieldName, rowid from BlobLastNameTest. However, it 
generates 5.5 million rows of output which would force our C++ Worker threads 
to do the BLOB(Vertices) aggregation. Unfortunately , that would would take too 
long so we were hoping that we could devise a nice query to let the SQLite 
query processor do all the Blob(Vertices) aggregation in a few minutes or less 
. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for 
your help.  
I take it back - the behavior of your query is well-defined, for the simple 
reason that FieldName is unique,
so every group only has a single row in it (as someone else has kindly pointed 
out - I missed this detail on the
first reading). For that same reason, the whole GROUP BY and sub-select dance 
is completely pointless.
Your query is just a very elaborate and wasteful way to write

select FieldName, rowid from BlobLastNameTest; 

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