Consider a table:


create table book (book_id integer primary key, type varchar, title


and some data for it:


insert into book (book_id, type, title) 

values (1, 'hardback', 'book 1')


insert into book (book_id, type, title) 

values (2, 'softback', 'book 2')



Now execute the following SQL:


select type, count(*)

from book



Which gives the result: 

type                       count(*)

softback               2


I would have expected an error message here to the effect that a non
aggregate value was not part of the grouping.

The result is strange and misleading and can easily lead to data errors.


The SQL statement should have been:

select type, count(*)

from book

group by type



Which gives:

type                       count(*)

hardback             1

softback               1




Best regards,


Frank Missel

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