Thanks a bunch for all the great info and the benchmark test !!!

Also thanks for explaining the term normalization - as you can probably tell I am a newbie, and it is hard to look stuff up without knowing the right terms. I spent hours looking for a technique to split results into pages, and then stumbled on the term "pagination", which really cracked open the door to finding great information that other programmers had posted.

I should have included the size of the database and other info, so here it is, incase that makes a difference.
Using the same grocery store example, the database I am going to create is probably going to peak out at 5000 grocery items, but may get as large as 7000, but doubt any larger than that.

Each of those items is going to fall into one category, with only 10 different categories (like fruits, vegetables, canned goods, boxed goods,...)

Then I am creating a second database that is like brands of the items. Such as Dole bananas, Delmonte bananas, John Doe's organic bananas etc. That database will have about 15,000 items in it, each one relating to just one of the grocery store items.

I am running this with php 5 and the sqlite that is included with php 5, on a web server that is the shared type. The website is not a storefront, it is a freely available database I am building that anyone in the public can access without any type of login. I am expecting about 5,000 views a day on the page that returns the search query that I am asking about.

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