The documentation also says (

       If the 3rd parameter to sqlite3_open_v2() is not one of the
       combinations shown above optionally combined with other
       SQLITE_OPEN_* bits then the behavior is undefined.

Seems like the undefined behavior was non-dangerous.

That sqlite3_errmsg() had to guess and guessed wrong is not

--David Garfield

Krystian Bigaj writes:
> Hi,
> Documentation says that:
> "The only exception is that if SQLite is unable to allocate memory to hold
> the sqlite3 object, a NULL will be written into *ppDb instead of a pointer
> to the sqlite3 object"
> but I see it's not entirely true. This example below stores NULL in *ppDb
> even when (I think) no memory allocation problems occurs:
> void TestOpenMisuse(void)
> {
>   sqlite3 *ppDb;
>   int err = sqlite3_open_v2("whatever", &ppDb, SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE , 0);
>   if (ppDb == NULL)
>   {
>     printf("ppDb==NULL, but err==%d, sqlite3_errmsg(ppDb)==%s",
> err, sqlite3_errmsg(ppDb));
>   }
> }
> Error code in this case will be err==21 (SQLITE_MISUSE) because
> flag SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE cannot be there without SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE -
> which is docummented.
> But sqlite3_errmsg(ppDb) will return "out of memory" (because ppDb==NULL),
> which can be sometimes little misleading (for me as a SQLite newbie it was
> ;).
> SQLite 3.7.8 (amalgamation)
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Krystian Bigaj
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