On Oct 14, 2011, at 12:39 PM, Fabian wrote:

> I still don't have optimal performance in the query (although it's much
> better now), and it seems to be related to ORDER BY.

Yes, order by has a cost.

> When I execute:
> SELECT * FROM table WHERE data = 10 LIMIT 250 OFFSET 500000
> It's very fast, but it's get much slower (10 times) when I add an ORDER BY
> clause, like rowid ASC or rowid DESC.

Much? Really? I get the broadly same execution time for either variant:

explain query plan
select    mail_header.id
from      mail_header

order by  mail_header.id

limit     250
offset    50000;

0|0|0|SCAN TABLE mail_header USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (~2192503 rows)

CPU Time: user 0.006068 sys 0.000665

explain query plan
select    mail_header.id
from      mail_header

limit     250
offset    50000;

0|0|0|SCAN TABLE mail_header (~2192503 rows)
CPU Time: user 0.005792 sys 0.000655

Note that the query with the order by will use the internal pk index, while the 
one without order will simply scan the table itself.

> I'm trying to understand why this is. It seems like SQLite is actually
> performing an actual sort behind the scenes,


> while I expected it to just
> iterate in reverse order (because rowid is always incremental), which should
> give comparable performance as the first query?

No order by = random order.  Try PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects = boolean;.

For example, while rowid tend to increment monotonically, they can be reused, 
e.g. after a delete.

You might want to read on rowid and autoincrement:


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