2011/10/23 Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org>:

>> I want to be able to run scripts against my data as well as use SQLite.

> I recommend you script the sqlite3 shell tool to pipe whatever data you want,
> or to make a text file of it which you can then read:

Looks that this is the way to go alright!

>> If it does not exist, I respectfully suggest that it is worthy of 
>> consideration
>> as a feature - maybe along the lines of MySQL storage engines?

> My guess is that it would slow down SQLite by a factor of three or more.

I don't doubt for a second that the ASCII option would be slower than
the current one - only if the user chose it though.

> Feel free to write it, and contribute your code.

I consider anything more sophisticated than "Hello World" to
be advanced C! ;) Thanks for your input.


> Simon.


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