
1) Try:

   select cli_id, antok(cli_id) as antok_cli_id ...... order by antok_cli_id

   This should at least show you exactly what it thinks it sorted.

2) Don't do regcomp() more than once.  It can be very costly.  And
   cache input.c_str() and input.length() while you are at it.
   (Actually... should it really be a "string" in the first place?)

3) digits[] may be insufficient in some cases (though not in your

--David Garfield

ChingChang Hsiao writes:
> The purpose of function antok is that solve the problem of "order by cli_id".
> Function antok converts,
> X86-1  -> x186-01
> X86-2  -> x186-02
> X86-10 -> x186-110
> X86-111 -> x186-2111
> X86-2222 -> x186-32222
> 1.1/12-ds3 -> 01.01/112-ds03
> Examples,
> Input cli_id   x86-2, x86-10, x86-1
> Order by cli_id
> X86-1
> X86-10
> X86-2
> Order by antok(cli_id)
> X86-2
> X86-1
> X86-10
> Antok solves the problem of x86-1,x86-10 sorting, but it didn't sort x86-2, 
> x86-1(input order).
> My solution is,
> order by antok(cli_id) asc,cli_id asc
> X86-1
> X86-2
> X86-10
> But It solves the same category, there are still problems for alphabet shown 
> as below.
> 0.1
> 0.2
> 0.3
> 0.4
> 0.5
> x86-1
> x86-2
> chdlc-1
> chdlc-2
> chdlc-3
> x86-10
> It should be,
> 0.1
> 0.2
> 0.3
> 0.4
> 0.5
> chdlc-1
> chdlc-2
> chdlc-3
> x86-1
> x86-2
> x86-10
> Do you know why x86-1,x86-2 jump ahead chdlc-1 when I use "order by 
> antok(cli_id)" or "order by antok(cli_id) asc,cli_id asc"?
> ChingChang
> Here are the source code shown as below.
> int32
> DbHandle::registerOvnFuncs( sqlite3* db ) {
>   // Add a alpha numeric token generator
>   sqlite3_create_function(db, "antok", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, NULL,
>                                                   &dbAnTokenFunc, NULL, NULL);
>   return 0;
> }
> static void
> dbAnTokenFunc( sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv )
> {
>   assert( argc==1 );
>   switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){
>     sqlite3_result_int64( context, sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]) );
>     break;
>   case SQLITE_NULL:
>     sqlite3_result_null( context );
>     break;
>   case SQLITE_TEXT:
>   default:
>     SqlSortHelper sqlSortHelper;
>     string token;
>     token = sqlSortHelper.GetAlphaNumericOrderToken( 
> (char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]) );
>     sqlite3_result_text( context, token.c_str(), token.length(), NULL );
>     break;
>   }
> }
> string SqlSortHelper::GetAlphaNumericOrderToken( string input ) {
>   regex_t re;
>   regmatch_t pmatch[POTENTIAL_MATCHES];
>   string token;
>   uint32 pos = 0;
>   char digits[10] = "012345678";
>   memset( pmatch, -1, sizeof(pmatch) );
>   regcomp( &re, "[0-9]+", REG_EXTENDED);
>   while (pos < input.length())
>   {
>     regexec( &re, input.c_str()+pos, 1, pmatch, 0);
>     if ( pmatch[0].rm_so != -1 )
>     {
>         token.append( (input.c_str() + pos), pmatch[0].rm_so);
>         token.push_back( digits[((pmatch[0].rm_eo-pmatch[0].rm_so)-1)] );
>         token.append( (input.c_str() + pos + pmatch[0].rm_so), 
> pmatch[0].rm_eo - pmatch[0].rm_so );
>         pos = pos + pmatch[0].rm_eo;
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         if (pos == 0) {
>             regfree( &re);
>             return input;
>                 }
>         else
>             break;
>     }
>   }
>   if (pos < input.length())
>     token.append( (input.c_str() + pos), input.length()-pos );
>   regfree( &re);
>   return token;
> }
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