On 18-Oct-2011, at 6:52 PM, Dan Kennedy wrote:

> On 10/18/2011 05:02 PM, Mohd Radzi Ibrahim wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is my table schema:
>> (
>>      name text,
>>      address text,
>>      email text,
>>      remark text,
>>      telno text,
>>      contact text,
>>      isDeleted text
>> );
>> This select statement gives floating point error in both sqlite3.exe and 
>> also my program (both my Ubuntu and Windows versions failed) :
>> select docid, name, address, email, remark, telNo, contact
>> from locationFTS
>> where locationFTS match 'suai plantation sdn bhd, p.o.box 730 97008 bintulu 
>> swk, tel 2 07-6637460 ah leng   06-9766061 a3.0';
>>      PharmacyServer.exe!GenericKedaiRuncitDB::GetLocationFTS(LocationRecord& 
>>  r)  Line 147 + 0x14 bytes      C++
>>      PharmacyServer.exe!wxSQLite3Statement::ExecuteQuery(bool 
>> transferStatementOwnership)  Line 1486 + 0xc bytes     C++
>>      PharmacyServer.exe!sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt * pStmt)  Line 62029 + 0x9 
>> bytes   C
>>      PharmacyServer.exe!sqlite3Step(Vdbe * p)  Line 61954 + 0x9 bytes        
>> C
>>      PharmacyServer.exe!sqlite3VdbeExec(Vdbe * p)  Line 3856 + 0x30 bytes    
>> C
>>      PharmacyServer.exe!fts3FilterMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor * pCursor, int 
>> idxNum, const char * idxStr, int nVal, Mem * * apVal)  Line 51378 + 0x9 
>> bytes    C
>>      PharmacyServer.exe!fts3EvalStart(Fts3Cursor * pCsr)  Line 52714 + 0x13 
>> bytes    C
>>      PharmacyServer.exe!fts3EvalSelectDeferred(Fts3Cursor * pCsr, Fts3Expr * 
>> pRoot, Fts3TokenAndCost * aTC, int nTC)  Line 52634 + 0x2a bytes        C
>> Does anybody know what's going on here?
> Can you send me the database by email? Not via the list,
> as it will strip the attachment.
> Dan Kennedy.


I've been chasing this bug and tried couple of options and found out that these 
issues fix my problem:

1. The number of words in match string is capped at 16.
2. These characters in the match string I replaced with spaces.
            case ',':
            case '.':
            case '/':
            case '-':
            case ':':
            case '\'':
            case '"':
            case '(':
            case ')':
            case '\\':
            case '@':

Was it a bug or was it the limitation? Or Perhaps I missed the documentation on 

best regards,

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