Thanks Igor,
I am just getting started so I am bound to get tripped up a little. :-) That was going to be my next question anyhow, about the database name. I was thinking we *had* to have the extension .db3 but you have answered that. I just have been using VB.Net less than 30 days and that doesn't help any.

On 11/28/2011 4:32 PM, Igor Tandetnik wrote:
On 11/28/2011 5:23 PM, Dave wrote:
Ok, I switched that and now my original database file has a .db added
whereas the one created by my app stays the same.

It doesn't have .db added. It had it all along, you just couldn't see it.

Anyway, now you can name your file however you want. Make sure that, whichever name you choose, you use the same name in the connection string.
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