Marc Hornung wrote:
> Are there procedures of some sort that need to followed in the
> process of performing this testing that you would like me to follow? And
> document against?

There aren't formal procedures yet.
> If you have any guidelines or instructions I would be happy to follow them
> in moving forward.

The new installer is a command line tool written in C#.  To install the VS
designer components, first copy the all the binaries, including the VS
designer components to a local directory and then run the installer tool
with the following command line:


By default, this will run the tool in "What-If" mode.  It should output the
registry keys and other system configuration parameters it intends to
For now, I would not recommend running the tool without using "What-If" mode
as it has not been fully tested; however, if you see any strange output from
running the tool in "What-If" mode, I would certainly like to see it.

> Just as one further note Joe, I was not able to locate the installer that
> you stated has been rewritten. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong place. Is
> it possible that you could forward me the files?

The source code is here:

It is also included in the released source code archive; however, the binary
not included in the various binary packages.

Joe Mistachkin

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