This would make a good entry for an Obfuscated SQL contest.
Well done


On 19 December 2011 21:43, Nico Williams <> wrote:

> You can do conditionals via WHERE clauses, as others have pointed out.
>  You can also use WHEN clauses on triggers.
> Think of it as <statement> IF <condition>.  And remember that the
> WHERE clause can refer to all sorts of things, including parameters
> from the application (something like WHERE @foo = 1).
> You can do iteration via INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE if you have tables with
> rows to iterate over.
> You can make sub-routines (that return no values but have
> side-effects) out of INSERTs on VIEWs or TABLEs with triggers that
> will use the new row(s) as arguments, and but leave the VIEW/TABLE
> itself unaltered.  In the case of a TABLE you'd use a BEFORE INSERT
> trigger that does a SELECT RAISE(IGNORE) at the end to make sure the
> TABLE is left unaltered.
> You can use recursive triggers to implement recursion.
> This is really an abuse of SQL, of course, but it can be done :)  And,
> of course, you have SQLite3's various limits to keep in mind (e.g., on
> recursion depth).
> I've done this sort of thing as a proof of concept, for the fun of it.
> Factorial() might be implemented as follows:
> PRAGMA recursive_triggers = 1;
> CREATE TABLE factorials (n INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, n_factorial INTEGER);
> CREATE VIEW factorial AS SELECT n, n_factorial FROM factorials;
>    SELECT RAISE(FAIL, "n must be non-negative") WHERE NEW.n < 0;
> WHERE f.n = NEW.n);
>    INSERT INTO factorials SELECT NEW.n, 1 WHERE NEW.n < 2 AND NOT
> EXISTS (SELECT f.n FROM factorials f WHERE f.n = NEW.n);
>    INSERT INTO factorial SELECT NEW.n - 1, NULL WHERE NEW.n > 0 AND
> NOT EXISTS (SELECT f.n FROM factorials f WHERE f.n = NEW.n - 1);
>    INSERT INTO factorials SELECT NEW.n, NEW.n * (SELECT f.n_factorial
> FROM factorials f WHERE f.n = NEW.n - 1) WHERE NEW.n > 0 AND EXISTS
> (SELECT f.n FROM factorials f WHERE f.n = NEW.n - 1) AND NOT EXISTS
> (SELECT f.n FROM factorials f WHERE f.n = NEW.n);
> END;
> sqlite> select * from factorial;
> sqlite> insert into factorial select 5, null;
> sqlite> select * from factorial;
> 0|1
> 1|1
> 2|2
> 3|6
> 4|24
> 5|120
> sqlite>
> (With 64-bit signed integers you can compute up to 20!, but no further.)
> Here we have a trigger acting as a sub-routine that doesn't return any
> results, but it does ensure that the results are available for a
> subsequent query.  Another way to think of it is as a method of
> building recursive queries in the absence of recursive query support
> in SQLite3.
> So there you have it: procedural programming in SQL.  My advice:
> follow the advice that you've been given, which is to say: do your
> procedural programming in C or whatever host language you're using,
> and use SQL as it was intended to be used.
> Cheers,
> Nico
> --
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