On 20 Dec 2011, at 5:21pm, romtek wrote:

> I'd done some research into this since I asked my question and learned
> some things. According to http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=38182 and
> http://www.serverphorums.com/read.php?7,118071, PDO_SQLITE defaults to
> a 60 second busy timeout. This should be enough.

Agreed.  Certainly an unexpected pause of more than 60 seconds.  The default of 
60 contradicts something I was told, but that might have been for a different 
version of PHP.

>> Second, most transactions and locks in SQLite from PHP are fleeting.  
>> Generally you want your web page to list some records or do one update.  You 
>> wouldn't have a process keep a lock active for a long time because this 
>> would correspond to your server taking a long time to show a web page, and 
>> nobody wants that.  So a lock by one process probably isn't going to last 
>> very long -- probably a fraction of a second.  Access for a web page is 
>> unlikely to involve deadlock because of the nature of web pages: they 
>> generally don't interact with the user while a transaction is open.
> One would think so :) But Drupal people have run into the opposite
> (http://drupal.org/node/1120020 and
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6108602/avoiding-locked-sqlite-database-timeouts-with-php-pdo).
> This seems to happen for them mostly when they are indexing their data
> a visitor to a site requests a page. Apparently, their indexing tasks
> is long running and write intensive. I think they should rework this
> tasks.

Not sure why someone would start a long-running blocking process for an 
application which purports to be running.  When I do this I give the 
application a status so it just knows not to try accessing the data file until 
the blocking process is finished.

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