On 1 Jan 2012, at 5:27pm, Baruch Burstein wrote:

> I need a file format to hold a bunch of resources for my program. I thought
> of using SQLite. However, I am debating two formats. The
> more convenient one for me would put every few resources in
> a separate table. However, this would result in small tables. Am I right
> that this is very inefficient in SQLite? The other option would be to put a
> bunch of unrelated resources in one table. Is this more efficient?

First, don't worry about inefficient.  What you need to worry about is 
not-efficient-enough.  For instance, your app taking 1/10th of a second slower 
is not a problem, but if your app becomes too slow to be fun to use, that's a 

A reason to split resources up into many tables would be that each resource has 
different columns and you need to do cross-column searches.  Is this what you 
have ?

If instead you just have different types of resource, just make another column 
in your table and put the thing you'd expected to be the table name in that 

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