Since the System.Data.SQLite.dll is a mixed assembly (i.e. contains
both managed & native code) in differing versions for x86 versus x64 ,
I wonder if HP meant TurboTax was using, for example, an x86 flavor of
that DLL that conflicts with their (HP) program's use of an x64

On 1/11/12, Joe Winograd <> wrote:
> Well, this seems really strange - neither Connection Manager nor TurboTax
> has a <SQLite3.dll>! Here are all of the ones on the system:
> c:\Program Files (x86)\Calibre2\DLLs\sqlite3.dll
> c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application
> Support\SQLite3.dll
> c:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\PaperPort\sqlite3.dll
> Any other thoughts? Thanks, Joe
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Incompatible versions of SQLite on same system
> From: Joe Winograd <>
> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <>
> Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:10:43
>> Richard,
>> Thanks for the prompt reply - much appreciated! The machine with the issue
>> is not onsite right now, but I expect to have it back in 4-5 hours. I will
>> try your suggestion then and will post the results to the group. I have
>> already complained to HP (both on the phone and in writing) and will file
>> a report with Intuit later today. Thanks again, Joe
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Incompatible versions of SQLite on same system
>> From: Richard Hipp <>
>> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <>
>> Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 11:56:19
>>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Joe Winograd<>  wrote:
>>>> Hi Folks,
>>>> First time poster here, so be gentle. I have an HP EliteBook 8460w
>>>> running
>>>> 64-bit W7. HP provides an app called the Connection Manager that allows
>>>> you
>>>> to control the status of the wired, wireless, and Bluetooth connections
>>>> (it
>>>> uses SQLite). CM was working fine until I installed TurboTax 2010, after
>>>> which CM stopped working. When I uninstalled and reinstalled it, I
>>>> received
>>>> the following dialog box with the title<dbUpdate.exe>:
>>>> Cannot load assembly:
>>>> System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture =neutral,
>>>> PublicKeyToken =db937bc2d44ff139
>>>> The application will now exit.
>>>> According to HP tech supp, this is because TurboTax is loading an older
>>>> version of the SQLite files and there is no way to fix the problem,
>>>> i.e.,
>>>> you may use either use TT or CM, but not both! I'm hoping the experts in
>>>> this forum have a solution to this problem, or at least a better
>>>> work-around than uninstalling one and reinstalling the other each time I
>>>> need one of the programs.
>>>> This, of course, raises the general question of how SQLite
>>>> programs/users
>>>> deal with this issue. There are many programs that use SQLite - are all
>>>> of
>>>> them subject to this incompatibility issue? I find that hard to believe,
>>>> as
>>>> SQLite would not be a viable product if this were the case. Thanks much
>>>> for
>>>> your thoughts. Regards, Joe
>>> All:  What was it I was saying just the other day about statically
>>> linking???
>>> Joe:  SQLite is always backwards compatible.  But new features tend to
>>> appear in new releases.  I suspect what is happening here is that HP
>>> Connection Manager is using newer features of SQLite that did not exist
>>> in
>>> the older version of SQLite that TurboTax is loading.  I fuss and fuss
>>> that
>>> applications should statically link their preferred version of SQLite so
>>> that this kind of thing won't happen, but nobody pays me much mind.
>>> Please
>>> complain to both HP and Intuit about this as they might listen to you
>>> more
>>> than they listen to me.  Meanwhile, I suggest you locate the SQLite3.dll
>>> file (or files) on your machine and replace them all with the latest
>>> version of SQLite3.dll that you can download from
>>> and that will probably fix your
>>> troubles, unless TurboTax has taken extraordinary measure to prevent you
>>> from doing so.  Please let us know how this goes.
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