On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 5:13 PM, John Elrick <john.elr...@fenestra.com
> >wrote:
> > I did this trace through the Delphi IDE and hand copied the call stack.
> >  Unfortunately, I can't give you line numbers, although I could go back
> and
> > give you hex offsets from the start of the procedures.  These are
> literally
> > the first seven call stacks from _malloc after I initiate the trace.  I'm
> > noticing a pattern.  Hopefully 1) the information from the IDE is
> accurate
> > and 2) this helps.  The trace reads from bottom to top.
> >
> I do not think the information below is correct.  For example, at no point
> does sqlite3_db_status() ever call malloc().  Similarly, sqlite3_free()
> never calls sqlite3_db_status().  And really - why would sqlite3_free()
> ever call malloc() - that makes no sense.
> I'm thinking the Delphi IDE is not giving you good information here, which
> is too bad since we could have really used the information if it had been
> good.
> Are there any options to Delphi that can give you better diagnostics?  Do
> you need to recompile SQLite without optimization and including the -g
> option?
I can try that approach with BCC.   I was concerned that the IDE would be
getting inaccurate information from the .OBJ.  Crossing into a pre-complied
library can be tricky.
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