On 21/01/2012 1:01 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
On 21 Jan 2012, at 5:49pm, Ryan Johnson wrote:
In one case the optimizer seems to make a different decision depending on which 
order I write the join in; in the other case, the join ordering chosen is bad 
and compounded by an expensive subquery not being materialized into a transient 
table as it should be.

For the first issue, consider the following query:

select count(*) from orders O, Customer C where C.custkey=O.custkey and C.name 
like '%115';
I see no JOIN.  I see a WHERE.  And it's not clear to me what you're trying to 
count: orders or customers.
It's a SQL89 join. Sqlite docs say SQL89 and SQL92 joins perform identically [1], which I confirmed before sending the OP. The older syntax just requires less typing, that's all.

The query counts orders made by qualifying customers.


[1] http://www.sqlite.org/optoverview.html#joins

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