Thanks! Splitting the index into two did the trick and now the query
is working well.


On 25 January 2012 21:01, Igor Tandetnik <> wrote:
> Larry Knibb <> wrote:
>> SELECT DISTINCT d.rowid AS id, d.*, i.relevance
>> FROM dictionary d
>> JOIN hp_index i ON i.dictionary_id = d.rowid
>> JOIN hanzi h ON h.rowid = i.hanzi_id
>> WHERE h.traditional = '我' OR h.simplified = '我'
>> ORDER BY i.relevance desc
>> I can get it to work by dropping the OR h.simplified part of the WHERE 
>> clause.
>> However, if I use a single where clause but use the h.simplified
>> column instead then it breaks again. Maybe it's the index?
>> CREATE INDEX i3 ON hanzi(traditional, simplified);
> This index can help satisfy conditions of the form (traditional='X') or  
> (traditional='X' AND simplified='Y'). But it doesn't help at all for 
> conditions on (simplified='Y') or (traditional='X' OR simplified='Y'). So 
> your query devolves to a full table scan, and apparently, that just takes a 
> long time.
> Think about it this way. Imagine you have a phonebook with people's names, 
> sorted by last name then first name. This makes it easy to find all Smiths, 
> or all John Smiths, but doesn't help with the task of finding all Johns, nor 
> all people who are either John or Smith.
> You want two separate indexes, one on hanzi(traditional) and another on 
> hanzi(simplified)
> --
> Igor Tandetnik
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