On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 9:20 AM, David Henry <dav...@zickel.net> wrote:

> This mail describes how I implemented SQLite3 on a resource limited
> processor. The attached zip file contains sources and the IAR project
> files.

Attachments are stripped from the mailing list.  Please send me the ZIP
file by private email and I'll make it available on the SQLite website.

> Any missing sources e.g. fatfs are part of the IAR IDE and are freely
> available.
> Enjoy.
> Development Environment
> =======================
> 1) Stellaris LM3S9B96 ARM processor, 256KB ROM, 96KB RAM, Stellaris
> Peripheral Library in ROM
> 2) IAR IDE (you must use the licensed version because of code size. The
> free
> KickStart version is limited to 32 KB code)
> 3) SQlite3 Version 3.7.9 source
> 4) The file system is on a 4GB microSD controlled via the thirdparty/fatfs
> code supplied with the IAR IDE. This allows
> file sizes up to 4GB and 8.3 filenames.
> SQLite Compilation Options
> ==========================
> SQLITE_THREADSAFE 0  // single thread
> SQLITE_DISABLE_LFS      // no large file system
> SQLITE_ENABLE_8_3_NAMES 2 // only 8.3 names
> SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_COUNT 102400 // 1K  = max database size 100M
> SQLITE_MAX_SQL_LENGTH 1000    // set by trial and error to avoid
> corruptSchema messages
> Linker Options
> ==============
> Reserve 83KB RAM for SQLite MALLOC as shown by this excerpt from the linker
> configuration file
> //
> // Define a region for the on-chip SRAM.
> // also reserve top 83K for sqlite malloc
> //
> // default is 96KB for application, this split gives 13K for app
> // and 83K for SQLite. Adjust as necessary
> //
> //define region SRAM =       mem:[from 0x20000000 to 0x20017fff];
> define region SRAM =         mem:[from 0x20000000 to 0x200033ff];
> define region SQLITEMALLOC = mem:[from 0x20003400 to 0x20017fff];
> Stack size is set to 4K. Less than this caused processor FAULT interrupts.
> Implementation
> ==============
> My main program simply opens up a UART which connect to Hyperterminal on a
> PC.
> An endless loop receives a line of SQL from hyperterminal and does an
> sqlite3_exec on it.
> An empty line signals no more SQL and the database is closed by
> sqlite3_close().
> Before calling sqlite3_open(), prepare malloc as follows
> #define END_RAM   0x20017fff  -- match these to SQLITEMALLOC above
> #define START_SQL 0x20003400
> // Also do the following to avoid "Out Of Memory" errors.
> sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE,0,0);
> Posix Interface
> ===============
> A wrapper between Posix API e.g. open, close, fstat etc and the fatfs API
> was written.
> The version I have is a work in progress. See apimap.c in the zip file.
> MSD.c does the file system initialize/mount stuff for the microSD card.
> SQLite3 Source Changes
> ======================
> function sqlite3PagerOpen() tries to create a journal file by appending
> "-journal" to the database name, in spite of the SQLITE_ENABLE_8_3_NAMES
> option. I changed it to append "_j" and make sure that my database names
> are
> 6 characters or less.
> Performance
> ===========
> The compilation was optimized for balance between speed and size. Code and
> RO data occupies 248KB of ROM.
> Two tables were created, table A having a primary key and table B having a
> foreign key referencing the primary key in table A.
> An index was created for the foreign key in table B.
> 1000 rows were inserted into table A and 10000 rows to table B.
> Typical time to insert a row to table B, 160 millisec.
> Typical time to select a row from table B, selected by its indexed column,
> 35msec.
> _______________________________________________
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> http://sqlite.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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