Thank you. Its working.

But why i am getting   sqlite3_column_type returning 5.

Marcus Grimm wrote:
> try changing this:
> colNames = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char));
> into something like
> colNames = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char * ) * noOfColumns);
> On 09.02.2012 11:21, bhaskarReddy wrote:
>> HI Friends,
>>            I dont know why the sqlite3_step getting core dumped.
>>   #include<stdio.h>
>>   #include<stdlib.h>
>>   #include "sqlitedb1.h"
>>   #include<string.h>
>>   #include<sqlite3.h>
>>   #include<sys/types.h>
>>   #include<sys/stat.h>
>>   #include<fcntl.h>
>>   int db_retrieve_row(char *db_name, char *table_name, int num_of_keys,
>> char
>> * col_names[],column_value_t * col_values);
>> int main(void)
>> {
>>        column_type_t enm[2];
>>     //   int retVal;
>>        char *col_name[3];
>>        char *db_name = "LR6002.db";
>>        char *table_name = "ONTTable";
>>        column_value_t col_val[3];
>>        enm[0] = COLUMN_TYPE_INT;   // slotId
>>        enm[1] = COLUMN_TYPE_STRING;
>>        col_val[0].number = 1;
>>        col_val[1].number = 2;
>>        col_val[2].number = 3;
>>      /* Array of Column Names. */
>>       col_name[0] = "slotId";
>>       col_name[1] = "ponChannelId";
>>       col_name[2] = "onuType";
>>     db_retrieve_row(db_name, table_name, 3,  col_name,col_val);
>>     return 0;
>>   }
>>   int db_retrieve_row(char *db_name, char *table_name, int num_of_keys,
>> char
>> * col_names[],column_value_t * col_values)
>>   {
>>       sqlite3 *db;
>>       sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
>>       int status = 0,loopVar,noOfColumns;
>>       char *query = NULL,**colNames,*str;
>>       int  retVal,*colType;
>>       retVal = sqlite3_open(db_name,&db);
>>       if(retVal) {
>>           fprintf(stderr,"Can't  open database:
>> %s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(db));
>>           sqlite3_close(db);
>>           exit(1);
>>       }
>>      /* A Query to find the number  of columns in the table. */
>>      query = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 255);
>>      memset(query,0,255);
>>      strcat(query, "SELECT * FROM ");
>>      strcat(query, table_name);
>>      strcat(query, ";");
>>      status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,query,strlen(query) + 1,&stmt, NULL);
>>      if(status != SQLITE_OK) {
>>          printf("Prepare error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
>>          exit(1);
>>      }
>>      noOfColumns = sqlite3_column_count(stmt);
>>      if(SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_finalize(stmt))
>>      {
>>           printf("The prepared statement is Not deleted.\n");
>>      }
>>      free(query);
>>      query = NULL;
>>        /* A Query to find the Names of each column. */
>>        query = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 255);
>>       memset(query,0,255);
>>        strcat(query, "SELECT * FROM ");
>>        strcat(query, table_name);
>>        strcat(query, ";");
>>        //stmt = NULL;
>>        status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,query,strlen(query) + 1,&stmt,
>> NULL);
>>       if(status != SQLITE_OK) {
>>           printf("Prepare error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
>>            exit(1);
>>        }
>>        colNames = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char));
>>        memset(colNames,0,1);
>>         for(loopVar = 0; loopVar<  noOfColumns; loopVar++)
>>         {
>>             colNames[loopVar] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 20);
>>             memset(colNames[loopVar], 0, 20);
>>              strcat(colNames[loopVar],sqlite3_column_name(stmt,
>> loopVar));
>>         }
>>         if(SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_finalize(stmt))
>>         {
>>            printf("The prepared statement is Not deleted.\n");
>>         }
>>         free(query);
>>        query = NULL;
>>    /*  A Query to find types of each column. */
>>        str = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 255);
>>         memset(str, 0, 255);
>>         strcat(str, "SELECT ");
>>         for(loopVar = 0; loopVar<  noOfColumns; loopVar++)
>>         {
>>           strcat(str, colNames[loopVar]);
>>           if(loopVar<  (noOfColumns -1))
>>                 strcat(str,",");
>>         }
>>         strcat(str, " FROM ");
>>         strcat(str, table_name);
>>         strcat(str, ";");
>>         status=sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,str,strlen(str)+1,&stmt, NULL);
>>         if (status != SQLITE_OK) {
>>            printf("prepare error:%s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(db));
>>            exit(1);
>>        }
>>        sqlite3_step(stmt);       //Causing Segmentation Fault. //
>>        colType = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * noOfColumns);
>>        for(loopVar = 0; loopVar<  noOfColumns; loopVar++){
>>            colType[loopVar] = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, loopVar);
>>            printf("Column Types = %d\n",colType[loopVar]);
>>         }
>>        if(SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_finalize(stmt))
>>        {
>>           printf("The prepared statement is Not deleted.\n");
>>        }
>>        free(query);
>>        query = NULL;
>> }
>> And the API 'sqlite3_column_type" always returning 5, i.e., NULL.
>> Can any one tell me what was the problem that i did.
>> Regards,
>> Bhaskar.
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