Trevor Burns wrote:
> Package Load Failure
> Package 'System.Data.SQlite Designer Package' has failed to load properly
> GUID = {DCBE6C8D-0E57-4099-A183-98FF74C64D9C}). Please contact package
> vendor for assistance.  Application restart is recommended, due to
> environment corruption.  Would you like to disable loading this package in
> the future?  You may use 'devenv /resetskippkgs' to re-enable package
> loading.

If this is indeed a package load key failure, one potential workaround would
be to install the Visual Studio 2008 SDK, which would then allow all
to load.  Meanwhile, I'll look into getting a new package load key assigned
the package.

Please note that this issue does *NOT* exist for Visual Studio 2010 as it no
longer requires a proper package load key.

Joe Mistachkin

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