> More generally, I *often* see good C++ programmers pushing application
> logic into SQL, and getting it wrong because they don't really know
> SQL.  As a result, my rule of thumb is to make the separation between
> application code and SQL code based on whether the code is filtering
> result sets.  If the code reduces the number of results, it probably
> should be in the SQL, but if it just processes the results without
> removing any rows, it should probably be in application code.  In a
> client/server system like MySQL, it can sometimes be worthwhile to
> additionally have the server do operations which reduce the physical
> size of the individual results (say taking a substring of a column),
> but for SQLite that is seldom worthwhile (application code can make
> better targeted decisions about memory allocation and the like).
> Since SQLite is running in-process, communication is cheap, so it is
> also often the case that there is no particular performance gain from
> having SQLite do calculations rather than your application code.
> SQLite can probably optimize SELECT COUNT(x) better than your
> application code can, but SELECT MAX(x) would probably be about the
> same performance if implemented in application code.

Truth.  And I like the rule of thumb, but only in cases where you are 
in-process, or, at a minimum, in-machine.  Sometimes you need to crunch a 
really large number of records and the cost of transmitting them to an 
application program is prohibitive.  

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