On 1 Nov 2011, Richard Hipp wrote:
> Floating-point numbers are approximations.  There is no way to represent
> 290.08 or 6.97 or 283.11 in binary.  The closest  you can get to these
> numbers using IEEE doubles is:

>  290.07999999999998408384271897375583648681640625
>  6.96999999999999975131004248396493494510650634765625
>  283.1100000000000136424205265939235687255859375

> And to compound the difficulty, SQLite does not attempt to get that close,
> as doing so requires infinite-precision integer math in the worst case and
> a noticeable performance hit.  SQLite, therefore, goes for a rougher
> approximation and settles for 14 significant digits.

Are you familiar with David Gay's fast, accurate & free strtod
implementation (http://www.netlib.org/fp/dtoa.c)? It should be as fast
as the SQLite implementation in util.c for strings with fewer than 9
digits, and it will always return the correctly rounded result.

Having the text parser accurately handle floating-point input is
important to my company. I have permission to donate my time to
integrate his code and provide a suite of test cases, if you're

Bob Burger
sqlite-users mailing list

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