On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Marc L. Allen

> Actually.... this is quite an interesting question.
> Given two fixed times of midnight and noon, having the third time one
> minute before or after midnight drastically changes what I think you want
> the answer to be.
> Midnight, Noon, 12:01 AM -> Average around 2AM.
> Midnight, Noon, 11:59 AM -> Average around 10PM
> Can you provide more information on what you're trying to do?

Yes, I'm trying to come up with average bedtimes.  (Or other
once-a-day-and-usually-in-the-same-general-time-window type human

So, in my case, I might go to bed at 23:00 one night and then 01:00 the
next, so the "naive average" there would be 23 + 1 = 24/2 = 12:00, or
noon.  But of course, to say I was going to bed around noon would not
represent the situation at all.  Instead, just as you said, I want in this
case 01:00 to be treated as 25:00, so 23 + 25 = 48/2 = 24:00, or midnight.

The thing is, other people might have bedtimes at mid-day, if they work
nights, for example, so it's hard to know how to approach this.

(One visual metaphor I have is to think about the times on an analog clock
with hands.  For 11pm and 1am, the "average angle" of the big hand is

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